Name Meaning Gender Pronunciation Trend Origin Favourite
Mikhan A glorious soul Male Mi-khan Traditional Sanskrit
Mikhil Intelligence Male Mi-khil Modern Sanskrit
Mikresh An important name Male Mi-kresh Traditional Sanskrit
Milahar Prominent soul Male Mil-ah-ar Rare Hindi
Milak Light of the sun Male Mi-lak Rare Sanskrit
Milan Union Male Mi-lan Modern Sanskrit
Milana Meeting; union Female Mi-la-na Modern Sanskrit
Milarus A sweet song Male Mi-la-rus Rare Hindi
Milate Gentle friend Male Mi-late Rare Sanskrit
Mili A name of the Goddess; loving encounter Female Mi-li Modern Sanskrit
Milind "Honey bee" Male Mi-lind Unique Sanskrit
Milkan One who is great Male Mil-kan Rare Sanskrit
Milok A name of a deity Male Mi-lok Modern Sanskrit
Milov The light of love Male Mi-lov Rare Sanskrit
Miman Birth of sweetness Male Mi-man Rare Hindi
Minaal Precious; beautiful Female Mi-naal Modern Sanskrit
Minadhar Someone who is precious Male Mi-na-dhar Rare Sanskrit
Minaj Someone from the divine Male Mi-naj Rare Sanskrit
Minak One who is rich Male Mi-nak Rare Hindi
Minal "Precious gem" Male Mi-nal Unique Sanskrit
Minar A beautiful stream Male Mi-nar Modern Hindi
Minchit God's messenger Male Min-chit Rare Sanskrit
Mineesh Lord of the mines Male Mi-neesh Rare Sanskrit
Mingesh Light Male Min-gash Traditional Sanskrit
Miniket A popular person Male Mi-niket Rare Hindi
Minish One who is good Male Mi-nish Rare Sanskrit
Minisha Goddess of intellect Female Mi-ni-sha Modern Sanskrit
Minjith Cheerful one Male Min-jith Traditional Sanskrit
Minke Soft-hearted person Male Min-ke Rare Hindi
Minora A significant strength Male Mi-no-ra Rare Hindi
Minu Little one Male Mi-nu Modern Sanskrit
Mirag A beautiful light Male Mi-rag Rare Hindi
Miras A treasure Male Mi-ras Traditional Sanskrit
Mirdhan Lord of leadership Male Mir-dhan Rare Hindi
Mirdhit One who is precious Male Mir-dhit Traditional Sanskrit
Miror Leader of the land Male Mi-ror Rare Arabic
Mirth Joyful being Male Mirth Rare Sanskrit
Mirthan One who has great joy Male Mir-than Rare Sanskrit
Mirvir Who is well disciplined Male Mir-vir Rare Sanskrit
Mirvore One who is creative Male Mi-rvore Modern Hebrew
Mishir One who is modest Male Mi-shir Traditional Sanskrit
Mishr One who is peaceful Male Mi-shr Traditional Sanskrit
Misin Good person Male Mi-sin Rare Sanskrit
Mislak A noble spirit Male Mis-lak Rare Hindi
Misthik One who is wealthy Male Misk-thik Traditional Sanskrit
Mitaksh "With beautiful eyes" Male Mi-taksh Unique Sanskrit
Mital Friend Male Mi-tal Traditional Sanskrit
Mitali Friendship; union Female Mi-ta-li Modern Sanskrit
Mitansh "Born with intelligence" Male Mi-tansh Unique Sanskrit
Mitas King of happiness Male Mi-tas Rare Hindi
Mitash One who brings happiness Male Mi-tash Traditional Sanskrit
Mitesh "One with few desires" Male Mi-tesh Unique Sanskrit
Miteshkumar Lord of the mind Male Mi-tesh-ku-mar Rare Hindi
Miteshwar God of restraint Male Mi-tesh-war Rare Sanskrit
Mithan Precious spirit Male Mi-than Rare Hindi
Mithash A person who is bright Male Mi-thash Rare Sanskrit
Mithesh God of the sky Male Mi-thesh Modern Sanskrit
Mithil A name of a king Male Mi-thil Traditional Sanskrit
Mithila Ancient name of a city; Mother Sita's birthplace Female Mi-thi-la Traditional Sanskrit
Mithilendra Lord of Mithila Male Mithi-len-dra Rare Sanskrit
Mithilesh "King of Mithila" Male Mi-thi-lesh Traditional Sanskrit
Mithili Leader of beautiful things Male Mi-th-i-li Rare Hindi
Mithiran The friend of the mind Male Mi-thi-ran Rare Sanskrit
Mithram One who is a friend Male Mi-thram Modern Sanskrit
Mithran "Sun" Male Mi-thran Unique Sanskrit
Mithul One who is honorable Male Mi-thul Traditional Sanskrit
Mithun Zodiac sign Gemini Male Mith-un Modern Hindi
Mithunan Gentleman Male Mith-u-nan Rare Sanskrit
Mithunesh Lord of Mithuna Male Mith-un-esh Rare Sanskrit
Mithy Moonlight Male Mith-y Traditional Sanskrit
Mithya Deep emotion Male Mith-ya Rare Hindi
Mithyaj 'One who is cheerful' Male Mith-yaj Modern Sanskrit
Mitor One who is intelligent Male Mi-tor Traditional Sanskrit
Mitra Friend Male Mi-tra Rare Sanskrit
Mitransh A friend of all Male Mi-transh Traditional Sanskrit
Mitrendu One who is a friend Male Mit-ren-du Traditional Sanskrit
Mitro Friend Male Mi-tro Traditional Sanskrit
Mittish Who believes firmly Male Mi-ttish Rare Sanskrit
Mitul "Limited" Male Mi-tul Unique Sanskrit
Mitzur One who is beautiful Male Mit-zur Rare Hindi
Miyan A respectable person Male Mi-yan Rare Hindi
Mochan One who believes in freedom Male Mo-chan Rare Sanskrit
Mochendra Divine spirit Male Mo-chen-dra Rare Sanskrit
Mochil One who sets back Male Mo-chil Traditional Persian
Mochiro Empowered by freedom Male Mo-chi-ro Rare Sanskrit
Mochj A person of joy Male Mo-chj Rare Hindi
Modal Who is precious Male Mo-dal Rare Sanskrit
Modhesh One who is logical Male Mo-desh Traditional Sanskrit
Mogesh Lover of light Male Mo-gesh Rare Sanskrit
Moghil Wealth Male Mo-ghil Traditional Sanskrit
Mohaan Attractive being Male Mo-haan Traditional Sanskrit
Mohak "Attractive" Male Mo-hak Trendy Sanskrit
Mohakt King of beauty Male Mo-hakt Rare Sanskrit
Mohan "Charming, Enchanting" Male Mo-han Traditional Sanskrit
Mohandas "Servant of Mohan (Krishna)" Male Mo-han-das Traditional Sanskrit
Mohank Attractive personality Male Mo-hank Traditional Sanskrit
Mohanlal Lord Krishna Male Mo-han-lal Traditional Sanskrit
Mohanraj King of attraction Male Mo-han-raj Rare Hindi
Mohashan A bright colored man Male Mo-ha-shan Modern Urdu
Mohazra A person of wonder Male Mo-haz-ra Modern Arabic