Name Meaning Gender Pronunciation Trend Origin Favourite
Matresh A name of Lord Shiva Male Ma-tresh Traditional Sanskrit
Matrish Perfect personality Male Ma-trish Rare Sanskrit
Matron Leader of the family Male Ma-tron Rare Sanskrit
Matru Of the mother Male Ma-tru Traditional Sanskrit
Matsal Spirited person Male Mat-sal Rare Hindi
Matsurian Long awaited Male Mat-sur-ian Rare Sanskrit
Matsya Fish Male Mat-sya Rare Sanskrit
Matsyendra Lord of fish Male Mat-sy-en-dra Traditional Sanskrit
Matuk Constellation Male Ma-tuk Traditional Sanskrit
Matul One who has vast knowledge Male Mat-ul Traditional Sanskrit
Matush Lord of Speech Male Ma-tush Rare Sanskrit
Matvij Brave and courageous Male Mat-vij Traditional Sanskrit
Maulik "Valuable" Male Mau-lik Unique Sanskrit
Mauly Spirited one Male Maul-y Modern Norwegian
Maunesh Silent lord Male Ma-u-nesh Traditional Sanskrit
Mauneshwar Silent lord Male Ma-u-nesh-war Traditional Sanskrit
Maurya "Descendant of the Maurya dynasty" Male Mau-rya Unique Sanskrit
Mavil Beloved Male Ma-vil Rare Hindi
Mavinder One who leads Male Ma-vin-der Rare Hindi
Mavrik Leader of guidance Male Ma-vrik Traditional Sanskrit
Mawan Desired Male Ma-wan Rare Sanskrit
Mayaj One who is charming Male Ma-yaj Rare Hindi
Mayand Good as the moon Male May-and Rare Sanskrit
Mayank "Moon" Male Ma-yank Trendy Sanskrit
Mayankit A moon like person Male Ma-yan-kit Rare Sanskrit
Mayavin One who is auspicious Male Ma-ya-vin Rare Sanskrit
Mayoor "Peacock" Male Ma-yoor Unique Sanskrit
Mayuk Friendly Male Ma-yuk Traditional Sanskrit
Mayur Peacock Male Ma-yur Traditional Sanskrit
Mayurak A person who is joyful Male May-u-rak Traditional Sanskrit
Mazhith Father of leaders Male Mazh-ith Rare Sanskrit
Mazin One who is old Male Ma-zin Traditional Arabic
Me Rail Flowering Male Me-rail Modern English
Medes One who is mad Male Me-des Modern Persian
Medha Intelligence Male Med-ha Rare Sanskrit
Medi Eminent soul Male Me-di Rare Hindi
Meelan Union Male Mee-lan Traditional Sanskrit
Meenakshi Having dreamy eyes Male Mee-nak-shi Rare Sanskrit
Meenal A great man Male Mee-nal Rare Sanskrit
Meeras A loving child Male Mee-ras Rare Hindi
Meeshk One who is nice Male Mee-shk Traditional Sanskrit
Meetak A bright light Male Mee-tak Traditional Sanskrit
Meeth Sweet Male Mee-th Traditional Sanskrit
Mega Grand and majestic Male Me-ga Rare Sanskrit
Megh "Cloud" Male Megh Trendy Sanskrit
Meghnad "Thunder" Male Megh-nad Unique Sanskrit
Meghraj "King of clouds" Male Megh-raj Unique Sanskrit
Mehan "Cloud" Male Me-han Trendy Sanskrit
Mehen Effector of great joy Male Me-hen Rare Hindi
Mehfil Gathering Male Meh-fil Traditional Persian
Mehfuj A noble protector Male Meh-fuj Traditional Arabic
Mehnat Hard work Male Meh-nat Traditional Urdu
Mehnaz Lovely Male Meh-naz Modern Persian
Mehran A name of the Sun Male Meh-ran Modern Persian
Mehta Leader of community Male Meh-ta Rare Hindi
Mehul "Rain" Male Me-hul Trendy Sanskrit
Meijin A wise soul Male Mei-jin Rare Sanskrit
Meinor One who leads Male Me-in-or Traditional Sanskrit
Mejanta Shining like the world Male Me-jan-ta Rare Sanskrit
Mekhal A sacred belt Male Mek-hal Rare Sanskrit
Mekhalesh Lord of the sacred thread Male Mekh-al-esh Rare Sanskrit
Mekhalt Bright and descriptive Male Me-khalt Modern Hebrew
Melak A flower Male Me-lak Traditional Sanskrit
Melikrishnan Lovely Krishna Male Me-li-krish-nan Rare Sanskrit
Melook An attractive person Male Me-look Rare Hindi
Meluk God of intelligence Male Me-luk Rare Sanskrit
Melvin A noble friend Male Mel-vin Modern English
Menach One who brings joy Male Me-nach Rare Hindi
Menak Ruler of the universe Male Me-nak Rare Hindi
Mendes One who brightens the way Male Men-des Rare Hindi
Mendik A fruitful mind Male Men-dik Rare Sanskrit
Menu A satisfied one Male Me-nu Rare Sanskrit
Menus Lord of the entire universe Male Me-nus Rare Sanskrit
Menzel Holy person Male Men-zel Rare Sanskrit
Meraj One who is elevated Male Me-raj Modern Arabic
Mercu Ruler of the world Male Mer-cu Rare Sanskrit
Merdan Brave warrior Male Mer-dan Traditional Persian
Meridian Brilliant Male Meridin Modern English
Merin Kind-hearted one Male Mei-rin Rare Hindi
Mernesh One who is joyful Male Me-renesh Traditional Sanskrit
Merrin Sacred one Male Mer-rin Rare Hindi
Mertin A blessed man Male Mer-tin Modern latin
Meruk One who is supreme Male Me-ruk Traditional Sanskrit
Mesbin A great leader Male Me-sbin Modern Sanskrit
Mesho A lovely person Male Me-sho Traditional Sanskrit
Meshpray One with supreme luxury Male Mesh-pray Rare Hindi
Mesmo One who is special Male Low Mes-mo Hebrew
Mestinal An attractive spirit Male Mes-ti-nal Rare Hindi
Meta A dream Male Me-ta Modern Sanskrit
Metam A person who has creative ideas Male Met-am Traditional Sanskrit
Metersi Another name for the moon Male Me-ter-si Rare Sanskrit
Metesh Lord of the moon Male Me-tesh Traditional Sanskrit
Mettar Keeper of happiness Male Met-tar Rare Hindi
Mettu Strong Male Met-tu Modern Sanskrit
Metwan Leader of humility Male Met-wan Traditional Sanskrit
Mewako Creator of all that is good Male Me-wa-ko Modern Sanskrit
Mewani One who is playful Male Me-wa-ni Traditional Sanskrit
Meyer One who guides Male Mey-er Modern Hebrew
Mhaarshan One who is also known as Maharshi Male Mhaar-shan Traditional Sanskrit
Michail God-like Male Mi-chail Traditional Hebrew