Name Meaning Gender Favourite
Faal A name that signifies the fruit or result Male
Faan One who is a scholar or learned Male
Faas A name representing the moon or beauty Male
Fadhi Radiant Male
Fadhil Virtuous Male
Fadhili Virtue Male
Fadhiluddin Virtuous faith Male
Fadhli Virtuous Male
Fadhlullah Grace of Allah Male
Fadil Virtuous Male
Fadiluddin Virtuous faith Male
Fadilullah Virtue of Allah Male
Fadl Grace Male
Fadlullah Grace of God Male
Fagan A month in Hindu calendar Male
Fagun A month in Hindu calendar Male
Fahad Leopard Male
Faiq Superior Male
Fairoz Victorious Male
Fairoze Victorious Male
Faisal Decisive Male
Faisaluddin Judgment of the faith Male
Faisalul Haq Judgment of the Truth Male
Faisalul Islam Judgment of Islam Male
Faisalul Jahan Judgment of the world Male
Faisalullah Judgment of Allah Male
Faiyaz Artistic Male
Faiyazuddin Artistic faith Male
Faizan Grace Male
Fajr Dawn Male
Fakash Glorious Male
Fakhar Pride Male
Fakharuddin Pride of the faith Male
Fakheruddin Pride of the faith Male
Fakhr Pride Male
Fakhri Honorable Male
Fakhruddawlah Pride of the empire Male
Fakhruddin Pride of the faith Male
Fakhrul Islam Pride of Islam Male
Fakir Devotee Male
Falak Heaven Male
Falaknath Lord of the sky Male
Falamangala One who possesses fruits Male
Falan Mysterious Male
Falaq Heaven Male
Falaquddin Heavenly faith Male
Faleep Lover of beauty Male
Falgu Beautiful Male
Falgujit One who conquers beauty Male
Falgun A month in Hindu calendar Male
Falgunan Born in Falgun Male
Falguneshwar Lord of the month Falgun Male
Falguni Born in Falgun Male
Falgunishwar Lord of the month Falgun Male
Falindra Name representing a king as strong as heaven Male
Falit One who has obtained a great result or success Male
Fanaish Lord of serpents Male
Faneendra King of serpents Male
Fanees Lord of serpents Male
Faneesh The lamp of peace Male
Faneesha Lord of serpents Male
Faneeshkumar Son of the Lord of serpents Male
Faneeshwar Lord of serpents Male
Faneeshwara Lord of serpents Male
Faneeshwaran Lord of serpents Male
Fanesh Lord of serpents Male
Fanibhushan Adorned with a serpent Male
Fanibhushana Adorned with a serpent Male
Fanih Abundance Male
Fanihuddin Abundance of faith Male
Fanikanth The serpent's glow Male
Fanikiran The light of serpents Male
Fanikrishna The dark serpent Male
Fanikrishnan The dark serpent Male
Fanindra King of serpents Male
Fanindranath King of serpents Male
Fanish Lord of serpents Male
Fanisha Lord of serpents Male
Fanishkumar Son of the Lord of serpents Male
Fanishwara Lord of serpents Male
Fanishwaran Lord of serpents Male
Fanyash One with beautiful fame Male
Fanyashwar One with beautiful fame Male
Faqeer Devotee Male
Faqih Jurist Male
Faqihuddin Jurist of the faith Male
Faqir Devotee Male
Faraj Meaning relief or deliverance Male
Fard Unique Male
Fardeen Radiant Male
Fardhin Radiant Male
Fardis Paradise Male
Fardiz Uniqueness Male
Farhad Happiness Male
Farhan One who is happy or cheerful Male
Farhat Happiness Male
Farhatullah Happiness of God Male
Farib A genuine person Male
Farid Unique Male
Fariduddin Unique faith Male