Name Meaning Gender Favourite
Urmit Strong intelligence Male
Urooj Ascension Male
Urshakti Energetic Male
Urtik Perfected Male
Urupar Strong in spirit Male
Uruvande Eternal Male
Uruvini Flourishing Male
Urvil Earth Male
Urvish Strong or powerful Male
Urvishk Master of the earth Male
Usant Daytime Male
Usav Morning dew Male
Ushaant Rise of the sun Male
Ushah Peace Male
Ushavardhan One who grows in the morning Male
Ushvin God of vividness Male
Uskara An efficient worker Male
Usmaan Dweller in peace Male
Usman Intelligent Male
Usmeesh Shining light Male
Uspal Most precious Male
Utaan Seed; any plant with flavors Male
Utap One who elevates Male
Utaranj A sight of happiness Male
Uthkarsh Progress Male
Uthpal Water lily Male
Uthravi Progressive Male
Uthvith One who is virtuous Male
Utkam Enhanced Male
Utkant Indomitable Male
Utkarsh Prosperity Male
Utkarshan Advancement or progress Male
Utkash Excellence Male
Utpala A blue lotus Male
Utreval He who is adventurous Male
Utrish From the extreme north Male
Utsab Celebration or feast Male
Utsahar One who is exuberant Male
Utsammy One who is completed Male
Utsav Festival Male
Utsavchand Moon of celebration Male
Utsavindra Lord of festivals Male
Utswan Great spirit Male
Uttam The best Male
Uttaraj Northern king Male
Uttaran Savior Male
Utthaan Ascend Male
Uvakh Light of the heart Male
Uvansh Mighty Male
Uvash Good fortune Male
Uvesh God of beauty Male
Uvey Love Male
Uvij Victory Male
Uvikal Nature of intelligence Male
Uvindu Full moon Male
Uvraj Prince Male
Uwesh God who knows Male
Uzi Light Male
Uzyas Wealthy family Male