Name Meaning Gender Pronunciation Trend Origin Favourite
Lobesh Winner Male Lo-besh Modern Sanskrit
Lobin Lord of love Male Lo-bin Modern Sanskrit
Lochan "The eye" Male Lo-chan Unique Sanskrit
Lochana "Bright eyes" Male Lo-cha-na Unique Sanskrit
Lochanan "One with bright eyes" Male Lo-cha-nan Unique Sanskrit
Lockesh A wise teacher Male Lo-kesh Modern Sanskrit
Locklin One who charms Male Lock-lin Modern Sanskrit
Locks Who is strong and just Male Locks Modern Sanskrit
Lodesh One who is grand Male Lo-desh Modern Sanskrit
Lodh Son of soil Male Lod-h Modern Sanskrit
Lodkan High value; Precious being Male Lod-kan Modern Sanskrit
Loejan Owner of greatness Male Loe-jan Modern Sanskrit
Logan Brave Male Lo-gan Modern Sanskrit
Logash Seeker of wisdom Male Lo-gash Modern Sanskrit
Logay Pleasant life Male Lo-gay Modern Sanskrit
Logesh King of the spirits Male Lo-gesh Modern Sanskrit
Logh One who brings forgiveness Male Logh Modern Sanskrit
Loghik The thinker Male Log-hik Modern Sanskrit
Lognness The great protector Male Logn-ness Modern Sanskrit
Logvik A true warrior Male Log-vik Modern Sanskrit
Lohan A term that means to shine Male Lo-han Modern Sanskrit
Lohant One who resembles gold Male Lo-hant Modern Sanskrit
Lohar A blacksmith Male Lo-har Modern Sanskrit
Loharish Protector of wealth Male Lo-ha-rish Modern Sanskrit
Lohendra "Lord of iron" Male Lo-hen-dra Unique Sanskrit
Lohesh "Lord of the world" Male Lo-hesh Traditional Sanskrit
Lohid One who emits light Male Loh-id Modern Sanskrit
Lohidashwa "One with red horse" Male Lo-hi-dash-wa Unique Sanskrit
Lohin "Iron" Male Lo-hin Unique Sanskrit
Lohinish "Lord of iron" Male Lo-hi-nish Unique Sanskrit
Lohit "Red" Male Lo-hit Unique Sanskrit
Lohita "Red" Male Lo-hi-ta Unique Sanskrit
Lohitaksha "Red-eyed" Male Lo-hi-tak-sha Unique Sanskrit
Lohitash "One with red eyes" Male Lo-hi-tash Unique Sanskrit
Lohitashva "One with red horse" Male Lo-hi-tash-va Unique Sanskrit
Lohitashwa "One with red horse" Male Lo-hi-tash-wa Unique Sanskrit
Lohith "Made of copper" Male Lo-hith Unique Sanskrit
Lohithaksha "Lord Vishnu" Male Lo-hi-thak-sha Traditional Sanskrit
Lohithan "One with red complexion" Male Lo-hi-than Unique Sanskrit
Lohithashwa "One with red horse" Male Lo-hi-thash-wa Unique Sanskrit
Lohithesh God of the sun Male Lo-hi-tesh Modern Sanskrit
Lohran Noble; virtuous Male Loh-ran Modern Sanskrit
Loiden One who is wise Male Lo-id-en Modern Sanskrit
Loin Brave Male Lo-in Modern Sanskrit
Loinath Lord of calculation Male Loi-nath Modern Sanskrit
Lojan Godly light Male Lo-jan Modern Sanskrit
Lokabandhu "Friend of the world" Male Lo-ka-ban-dhu Traditional Sanskrit
Lokabindu "Drop of the world" Male Lo-ka-bin-du Unique Sanskrit
Lokachari "Lord of the world" Male Lo-ka-cha-ri Traditional Sanskrit
Lokacharya "World teacher" Male Lo-ka-charya Traditional Sanskrit
Lokak One who is noble Male Lo-kak Modern Sanskrit
Lokanand "Joy of the world" Male Lo-ka-nand Unique Sanskrit
Lokanath "Lord of the world" Male Lo-ka-nath Traditional Sanskrit
Lokanatha "Lord of the world" Male Lo-ka-na-tha Traditional Sanskrit
Lokaneesh King of the world Male Lo-ka-neesh Modern Sanskrit
Lokanit "Leader of the world" Male Lo-ka-nit Unique Sanskrit
Lokankara "Creator of the world" Male Lo-kan-ka-ra Traditional Sanskrit
Lokapavan "Pure in the world" Male Lo-ka-pa-van Unique Sanskrit
Lokapujya "Worshipped by the world" Male Lo-ka-pu-jya Unique Sanskrit
Lokash "Lord of all worlds" Male Lo-kash Traditional Sanskrit
Lokashya A visionary Male Lo-ka-shya Modern Sanskrit
Lokav King of the world Male Lo-kav Modern Sanskrit
Lokavinayaka "Lord of the world" Male Lo-ka-vi-na-ya-ka Unique Sanskrit
Lokavrata "Engaged in the world" Male Lo-ka-vra-ta Unique Sanskrit
Lokbhushan "Adornment of the world" Male Lok-bhu-shan Unique Sanskrit
Lokdaran "Supporter of the world" Male Lok-da-ran Unique Sanskrit
Lokdhar "Supporter of the world" Male Lok-dhar Unique Sanskrit
Loken God of the world Male Lo-ken Modern Sanskrit
Lokendr "Lord of all worlds" Male Lo-ken-dr Traditional Sanskrit
Lokendra "Lord of the world" Male Lo-ken-dra Traditional Sanskrit
Lokendrajit "Victorious Lord of the world" Male Lo-ken-dra-jit Unique Sanskrit
Lokes "King of the world" Male Lo-kes Traditional Sanskrit
Lokesh "King of the world" Male Lo-kesh Trendy Sanskrit
Lokesha "King of the world" Male Lo-ke-sha Traditional Sanskrit
Lokeshan Lord of the world Male Lok-esh-an Modern Sanskrit
Lokeshraj "King of the world" Male Lo-kesh-raj Unique Sanskrit
Lokesht "Ruler of the world" Male Lo-kesht Traditional Sanskrit
Lokeshvara "Lord of all worlds" Male Lo-kesh-va-ra Traditional Sanskrit
Lokeshvaran "Lord of the universe" Male Lo-kesh-va-ran Traditional Sanskrit
Lokeshwar "King of the world" Male Lo-kesh-war Traditional Sanskrit
Lokeswar "Lord of the world" Male Lo-ke-swar Traditional Sanskrit
Lokeswin "Lord of the world" Male Lo-kes-win Traditional Sanskrit
Lokey Protector of the home Male Lo-key Modern Sanskrit
Lokhesh Lord of the world Male Lokh-esh Modern Sanskrit
Lokisha King of the world Male Lo-kisha Traditional Sanskrit
Lokith "Lord of worlds" Male Lo-kith Traditional Sanskrit
Lokithesh "Lord of the universe" Male Lo-kith-esh Traditional Sanskrit
Loknandan "Son of the world" Male Lok-nan-dan Unique Sanskrit
Loknath "Lord of the world" Male Lok-nath Traditional Sanskrit
Lokpradeep "Light of the world" Male Lok-pra-deep Unique Sanskrit
Lokprakash "Light of the world" Male Lok-pra-kash Traditional Sanskrit
Lokpriya "Beloved of all" Male Lok-pri-ya Unique Sanskrit
Lokraj "King of the world" Male Lok-raj Traditional Sanskrit
Lokshith "Lord Shiva" Male Lok-shith Traditional Sanskrit
Lokvan Expecting abundance Male Lok-van Modern Sanskrit
Lokven "Lord of the world" Male Lok-ven Traditional Sanskrit
Lokvendra "King of the world" Male Lok-ven-dra Traditional Sanskrit
Lokvin King of the universe Male Lok-vin Modern Sanskrit
Lokvish Lord of the people Male Lok-vish Modern Sanskrit
Lokyer Light bearer Male Lok-yer Modern Sanskrit